library(foreign) s.failure <- read.dta("Article.Lasso/Data.State.Failures/sort11v3.dta") dim(s.failure) [1] 8580 1231 sum( [1] 7019387 sum( [1] 0.66459 random.imp.vec <- function(V) { gone <- there <- V[!gone] V[gone] <- sample(x=there,size=sum(gone),replace=TRUE) return(V) } X <- c(1,2,NA,4,5,NA) random.imp.vec(X) [1] 1 2 5 4 5 1 dust2.df <- read.table("",header=TRUE) summary(dust2.df) cbr dust smoking expo Min. :0.0000 Min. : 0.900 Min. :0.0000 Min. : 3.00 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.: 1.945 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.:16.00 Median :0.0000 Median : 5.065 Median :1.0000 Median :25.00 Mean :0.2343 Mean : 4.822 Mean :0.7392 Mean :25.06 3rd Qu.:0.0000 3rd Qu.: 6.260 3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:33.00 Max. :1.0000 Max. : 24.000 Max. :1.0000 Max. :66.00 NA's :578.000 sum( 0.1159711 dust2.glm <- glm(cbr ~ dust+smoking+expo, family = binomial(link = logit), data=dust2.df,na.action=na.omit) summary(dust2.glm) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -3.442991 0.382028 -9.012 < 2e-16 dust 0.143878 0.037892 3.797 0.000146 smoking 0.835298 0.235169 3.552 0.000382 expo 0.037629 0.008409 4.475 7.64e-06 Null deviance: 762.07 on 667 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 709.61 on 664 degrees of freedom (578 observations deleted due to missingness) AIC: 717.6 dust2.df$dust <- random.imp.vec(dust2.df$dust) dust2.glm <- glm(cbr ~ dust+smoking+expo, family = binomial(link = logit), data=dust2.df, summary(dust2.glm) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -3.154958 0.275542 -11.450 < 2e-16 dust 0.073567 0.027229 2.702 0.006896 smoking 0.674027 0.173820 3.878 0.000105 expo 0.040802 0.006169 6.614 3.74e-11 Null deviance: 1356.8 on 1245 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 1286.4 on 1242 degrees of freedom AIC: 1294.4 dust.df <- read.table( "",header=TRUE) dust.glm <- glm(cbr ~ dust+smoking+expo, family = binomial(link = logit), data=dust.df); summary.glm(dust.glm) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -3.04785 0.24813 -12.283 < 2e-16 dust 0.09189 0.02323 3.956 7.63e-05 smoking 0.67683 0.17407 3.888 0.000101 expo 0.04016 0.00620 6.476 9.40e-11 Null deviance: 1356.8 on 1245 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 1278.3 on 1242 degrees of freedom AIC: 1286.3 # CASE-WISE DELETION (Intercept) -3.442991 0.382028 -9.012 < 2e-16 dust 0.143878 0.037892 3.797 0.000146 smoking 0.835298 0.235169 3.552 0.000382 expo 0.037629 0.008409 4.475 7.64e-06 # RANDOM IMPUTATION (Intercept) -3.154958 0.275542 -11.450 < 2e-16 dust 0.073567 0.027229 2.702 0.006896 smoking 0.674027 0.173820 3.878 0.000105 expo 0.040802 0.006169 6.614 3.74e-11 # FULL DATA (Intercept) -3.04785 0.24813 -12.283 < 2e-16 dust 0.09189 0.02323 3.956 7.63e-05 smoking 0.67683 0.17407 3.888 0.000101 expo 0.04016 0.00620 6.476 9.40e-11 ( nukes.df <- read.table("",header=TRUE) ) US.TEST YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST US.TEST YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 1 11 1953 0.37 0.49 0 21 24 1973 1.31 1.90 17 2 6 1954 0.38 0.51 0 22 23 1974 1.44 2.07 21 3 18 1955 0.40 0.55 0 23 22 1975 1.55 2.26 19 4 18 1956 0.43 0.58 0 24 21 1976 1.73 2.51 21 5 32 1957 0.45 0.60 0 25 20 1977 1.97 2.83 24 6 77 1958 0.46 0.64 0 26 21 1978 2.21 3.21 31 7 0 1959 0.49 0.69 0 27 16 1979 2.50 3.60 31 8 0 1960 0.52 0.72 0 28 17 1980 2.72 3.96 24 9 10 1961 0.53 0.77 1 29 17 1981 3.05 4.35 21 10 98 1962 0.57 0.82 1 30 19 1982 3.21 4.77 19 US.TEST YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST US.TEST YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 11 47 1963 0.60 0.88 0 31 19 1983 3.42 5.34 25 12 47 1964 0.64 0.94 9 32 20 1984 3.81 6.12 27 13 39 1965 0.69 1.01 14 33 18 1985 4.10 7.09 10 14 48 1966 0.75 1.07 18 34 15 1986 4.37 7.95 0 15 42 1967 0.81 1.15 17 35 15 1987 4.61 8.67 23 16 56 1968 0.87 1.24 17 36 15 1988 4.95 9.44 16 17 46 1969 0.95 1.33 19 37 12 1989 5.35 10.18 7 18 39 1970 1.01 1.42 16 38 9 1990 5.68 10.87 1 19 24 1971 1.08 1.56 23 39 8 1991 5.86 11.35 0 20 27 1972 1.18 1.71 24 40 6 1992 6.14 11.90 0 nukes2.df <- nukes.df[10:40,] nukes.lm1 <- lm(US.TEST ~ YEAR + US.GDP + US.DEBT + SOV.TEST, data=nukes2.df); summary(nukes.lm1) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -15.608 -3.940 -0.472 2.425 30.788 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.01e+04 2.43e+03 4.17 0.00030 YEAR -5.14e+00 1.24e+00 -4.14 0.00032 US.GDP 3.10e+01 1.45e+01 2.14 0.04168 US.DEBT -6.84e+00 5.54e+00 -1.23 0.22810 SOV.TEST -1.95e-02 3.07e-01 -0.06 0.94986 Residual standard error: 8.84 on 26 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.807, Adjusted R-squared: 0.778 F-statistic: 27.2 on 4 and 26 DF, p-value: 5.84e-09 nukes2.missing.df <- nukes2.df nukes2.missing.df[27,5] <- nukes2.missing.df[26,5] <- NA sum( [1] 0.012903 na.action: a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain `NA's. The default is set by the `na.action' setting of `options', and is `' if that is unset. The ``factory-fresh'' default is `na.omit'. nukes.lm2 <- lm(US.TEST ~ YEAR + US.GDP + US.DEBT + SOV.TEST, data=nukes2.missing.df, na.action=na.omit) summary(nukes.lm2) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -17.532 -2.690 -0.139 2.145 29.298 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 9610.662 2522.174 3.81 0.00085 YEAR -4.869 1.287 -3.78 0.00091 US.GDP 35.470 15.261 2.32 0.02890 US.DEBT -10.184 6.407 -1.59 0.12502 SOV.TEST -0.246 0.375 -0.65 0.51891 Residual standard error: 8.98 on 24 degrees of freedom (2 observations deleted due to missingness) Multiple R-squared: 0.81, Adjusted R-squared: 0.779 F-statistic: 25.7 on 4 and 24 DF, p-value: 2.31e-08 \end{VM} (Intercept) 1.01e+04 2.43e+03 4.17 0.00030 YEAR -5.14e+00 1.24e+00 -4.14 0.00032 US.GDP 3.10e+01 1.45e+01 2.14 0.04168 US.DEBT -6.84e+00 5.54e+00 -1.23 0.22810 SOV.TEST -1.95e-02 3.07e-01 -0.06 0.94986 (Intercept) 9610.662 2522.174 3.81 0.00085 YEAR -4.869 1.287 -3.78 0.00091 US.GDP 35.470 15.261 2.32 0.02890 US.DEBT -10.184 6.407 -1.59 0.12502 SOV.TEST -0.246 0.375 -0.65 0.51891 library(mice) m <- 10 nukes2.imp <- mice(nukes2.missing.df,m) nukes2.imp.array <- array(NA,c(dim(nukes2.missing.df),m)) for (i in 1:m) nukes2.imp.array[,,i] <- as.matrix(complete(nukes2.imp,i)) nukes2.mids <- lm.mids(US.TEST ~ YEAR + US.GDP + US.DEBT + SOV.TEST, data=nukes2.imp) pool(nukes2.mids) Pooled coefficients: (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 9175.85979 -4.64738 32.76891 -9.28270 -0.28472 Fraction of information about the coefficients missing due to nonresponse: (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 0.076928 0.076943 0.075321 0.081546 0.090584 lm.mids.vals <- function(obj,param) { out.mat <- NULL for (i in 1:length(obj$analyses)) out.mat <- rbind(out.mat,summary.lm(obj$analyses[[i]])$coef[,param]) out.mat ( impute.coef.vec <- apply(lm.mids.vals(nukes2.mids,1),2,mean) ) (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 9175.85979 -4.64738 32.76891 -9.28270 -0.28472 ( <- apply(lm.mids.vals(nukes2.mids,2),2,mean) ) (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 2335.4789 1.1914 14.3976 6.0947 0.3473 ( between.var <- apply(lm.mids.vals(nukes2.mids,1),2,var) ) (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 1.7137e+04 4.4789e-03 3.4437e-01 2.7547e-01 1.9153e-03 ( within.var <- apply(lm.mids.vals(nukes2.mids,2)^2,2,mean) ) (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 5.4557e+06 1.4197e+00 2.0729e+02 3.7153e+01 1.2064e-01 m <- 10 ( <- sqrt(within.var + ((m+1)/m)*between.var) ) (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 2339.77166 1.19358 14.41072 6.12012 0.35035 ( impute.df <- (m-1)*(1 + (m/(m+1)) * within.var/between.var)^2 ) (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 759034 752532 2704815 137515 30550 gamma <- (m/(m+1)) * between.var/(within.var + ((m+1)/m)*between.var) full.df <- nrow(nukes2.df) - 1 adj.full.df <- ((full.df+1)/(full.df+3)) * full.df*(1-gamma) ( adj.imp.df <- 1/(1/impute.df + 1/adj.full.df) ) (Intercept) YEAR US.GDP US.DEBT SOV.TEST 28.101 28.100 28.139 27.988 27.757 out.table <- round( cbind( impute.coef.vec,, impute.coef.vec/, 1-pt(abs(impute.coef.vec/,adj.imp.df) ),6 ) dimnames(out.table) <- list( c("(Intercept)","YEAR","US.GDP","US.DEBT", "SOV.TEST"), c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","Pr(>|t|)") ) out.table Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 9175.85979 2339.77166 3.92169 0.000258 YEAR -4.64738 1.19358 -3.89366 0.000278 US.GDP 32.76891 14.41072 2.27393 0.015397 US.DEBT -9.28270 6.12012 -1.51675 0.070272 SOV.TEST -0.28472 0.35035 -0.81266 0.211664 summary(pool(nukes2.mids)) est se t df Pr(>|t|) lo 95 hi 95 (Intercept) 9175.85979 2339.77166 3.92169 24.123 0.00063735 4348.1087 14003.61086 YEAR -4.64738 1.19358 -3.89366 24.122 0.00068411 -7.1101 -2.18462 US.GDP 32.76891 14.41072 2.27393 24.163 0.03213637 3.0372 62.50059 US.DEBT -9.28270 6.12012 -1.51675 24.007 0.14238792 -21.9138 3.34841 SOV.TEST -0.28472 0.35035 -0.81266 23.773 0.42447557 -1.0082 0.43874 nmis fmi lambda (Intercept) NA 0.076928 0.0034434 YEAR 0 0.076943 0.0034583 US.GDP 0 0.075321 0.0018241 US.DEBT 0 0.081546 0.0080899 SOV.TEST 2 0.090584 0.0171639 dust2.df <- read.table( "",header=TRUE) library(mice); m <- 5; imp.dust2 <- mice(dust2.df,m) dust3.glm <- glm.mids(cbr ~ dust+smoking+expo, family = binomial(link = logit), data=imp.dust2) summary(pool(dust3.glm)) est se t df Pr(>|t|) lo 95 (Intercept) -3.37686445 0.349777612 -9.654318 168.55060 0.000000e+00 -4.06737387 dust 0.12613589 0.051039923 2.471318 51.20283 1.682791e-02 0.02367882 smoking 0.64561295 0.180901959 3.568855 1014.44146 3.753238e-04 0.29062809 expo 0.04004765 0.006517554 6.144583 931.29865 1.186852e-09 0.02725686 hi 95 missing fmi (Intercept) -2.68635503 NA 0.36815695 dust 0.22859295 578 0.70018227 smoking 1.00059781 0 0.06132988 expo 0.05283845 0 0.07686594 dust.df <- read.table( "",header=TRUE) dust.glm <- glm(cbr ~ dust+smoking+expo, family = binomial(link = logit), data=dust.df); summary.glm(dust.glm) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -3.04785 0.24813 -12.283 < 2e-16 dust 0.09189 0.02323 3.956 7.63e-05 smoking 0.67683 0.17407 3.888 0.000101 expo 0.04016 0.00620 6.476 9.40e-11 Null deviance: 1356.8 on 1245 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 1278.3 on 1242 degrees of freedom AIC: 1286.3 harr <- read.table("",header=TRUE) apply(harr[,-1],2,table) $NumberKilled 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 15 17 19 21 23 24 30 44 13 9 8 3 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 $NumberInjured 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 13 14 16 17 20 21 22 26 27 30 28 1 5 4 4 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 40 42 47 50 52 57 58 59 60 65 69 86 90 100 102 120 130 150 188 3 1 1 7 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 $TotalCasualties 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 15 17 20 21 26 27 29 30 22 5 6 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 31 32 35 38 45 49 50 51 52 53 57 58 59 61 62 63 65 67 71 75 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 81 91 93 105 106 123 126 141 145 151 180 199 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ResponsibleHamas $ResponsibleisMartyrs 0 1 0 1 59 44 78 25 $ResponsibleisPIJ $ResponsibleisOther 0 1 0 1 79 24 99 4 $TargetisMilitary $TargetisCivilian 0 1 0 1 76 10 10 76 $TargetisBus $TargetisCafe 0 1 0 1 89 14 89 14 $TargetisCheckpoint $TargetisResidence 0 1 0 1 87 16 102 1 $TargetisOffshore $TargetisStore 0 1 0 1 101 2 96 7 $TargetisStreet $TargetisTravelstop 0 1 0 1 71 32 88 15 $DeviceisCar $DeviceisBoat 0 1 0 1 89 14 101 2 $AttackisPrevented $AttackerisChallenged 0 1 0 1 101 2 63 40 $FirstAttackerisMale $FirstAttackerisFemale 0 1 0 1 7 92 92 7 $AgeofFirstAttacker 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 43 45 48 1 8 7 10 15 11 10 12 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 harr <- read.table("",header=TRUE) apply(apply(harr,2,,2,sum) 0 0 0 TotalCasualties ResponsibleHamas ResponsibleisMartyrs 0 0 0 ResponsibleisPIJ ResponsibleisOther TargetisMilitary 0 0 17 TargetisCivilian TargetisBus TargetisCafe 17 0 0 TargetisCheckpoint TargetisResidence TargetisOffshore 0 0 0 TargetisStore TargetisStreet TargetisTravelstop 0 0 0 DeviceisCar DeviceisBoat AttackisPrevented 0 0 0 AttackerisChallenged AgeofFirstAttacker FirstAttackerisMale 0 14 4 FirstAttackerisFemale 4 harr.glm <- glm(NumberKilled ~ log(AgeofFirstAttacker) + log(as.numeric(Date)) + AttackerisChallenged + FirstAttackerisFemale + DeviceisCar + TargetisCafe + TargetisMilitary + ResponsibleHamas, data=harr, na.action=na.omit) summary(harr.glm) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 12.195 12.793 0.95 0.3438 log(AgeofFirstAttacker) -3.369 4.170 -0.81 0.4219 log(as.numeric(Date)) 0.582 0.864 0.67 0.5026 AttackerisChallenged -3.700 1.604 -2.31 0.0241 FirstAttackerisFemale 3.202 3.040 1.05 0.2960 DeviceisCar -2.018 2.453 -0.82 0.4137 TargetisCafe 3.967 2.013 1.97 0.0527 TargetisMilitary -5.444 2.495 -2.18 0.0325 ResponsibleHamas 5.363 1.649 3.25 0.0018 (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 40.519) Null deviance: 4077.5 on 77 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 2795.8 on 69 degrees of freedom (25 observations deleted due to missingness) AIC: 520.5 library(mice) attach(harr) harr2 <- cbind(NumberKilled, NumberInjured, AgeofFirstAttacker, Date, ResponsibleisMartyrs, AttackerisChallenged, FirstAttackerisFemale, ResponsibleisPIJ, TargetisBus, TargetisCheckpoint, DeviceisCar, TargetisCafe, TargetisMilitary, ResponsibleHamas) detach(harr) imp.harr <- mice(harr2,m=10) harr.mids <- glm.mids(NumberKilled ~ log(AgeofFirstAttacker) + log(as.numeric(Date)) + AttackerisChallenged + FirstAttackerisFemale + DeviceisCar + TargetisCafe + TargetisMilitary + ResponsibleHamas, data=imp.harr) cbind(summary(harr.glm)$coef[,1:2], summary(pool(harr.mids))[,1:2]) Estimate Std. Error Estimate Std. Error (Intercept) 12.19545 12.79263 9.873602 9.49898 log(AgeofFirstAttacker) -3.36921 4.16985 -2.061098 3.09964 log(as.numeric(Date)) 0.58241 0.86409 0.067666 0.63617 AttackerisChallenged -3.69990 1.60370 -3.131864 1.23538 FirstAttackerisFemale 3.20166 3.04025 2.815036 2.37085 DeviceisCar -2.01778 2.45341 -0.177107 1.75987 TargetisCafe 3.96730 2.01286 4.893596 1.72607 TargetisMilitary -5.44396 2.49457 -3.888428 1.48603 ResponsibleHamas 5.36309 1.64870 3.933507 1.26970 library(mgcv) harr.gam <- gam(NumberKilled ~ te(log(AgeofFirstAttacker),log(Date),k=3) + AttackerisChallenged + FirstAttackerisFemale + DeviceisCar + TargetisCafe + TargetisMilitary + ResponsibleHamas, data=harr) summary(harr.gam) Parametric coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 4.377 1.070 4.091 9.3e-05 AttackerisChallenged -4.059 1.144 -3.549 0.000616 FirstAttackerisFemale 1.286 2.255 0.571 0.569737 DeviceisCar 1.204 1.677 0.718 0.474763 TargetisCafe 3.824 1.638 2.335 0.021752 TargetisMilitary -4.772 1.384 -3.448 0.000860 ResponsibleHamas 4.027 1.184 3.400 0.001003 Approximate significance of smooth terms: edf Ref.df F p-value te(log(AgeofFirstAttacker),log(Date)) 5.613 5.613 3.794 0.00255 mice.output <- function(mean.mat,se.mat,var.names=NULL) { # ASSUMES THAT THE INPUT MATRICES ARE k COEFFICIENTS TIMES m IMPUTATIONS m <- ncol(mean.mat) mean.vec <- apply(mean.mat,1,mean) between.var <- apply(mean.mat,1,var) within.var <- apply(se.mat^2,1,mean) se.vec <- sqrt(within.var + ((m+1)/m)*between.var) impute.df <- (m-1)*(1 + (1/(m+1)) * within.var/between.var)^2 out.table <- round( cbind( mean.vec, se.vec, mean.vec/se.vec, 1-pt(abs(mean.vec/se.vec),impute.df) ),5 ) dimnames(out.table) <- list(var.names, c("Estimate","Std. Error","t value","Pr(>|t|)")) return(out.table) } X <- cbind(rpois(10000,3), rnorm(10000,3,2), rgamma(10000,2,2), rbeta(10000,5,1)) missing <- sample(40000,10000,replace=FALSE) X[missing] <- NA X.imp <- mice(X) X.complete <- complete(X.imp,1) table(X.complete[,1]) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 427 1596 2224 2152 1502 883 450 662 65 29 9 1 min(X.complete[,3]) [1] 0.006727825 range(X.complete[,4]) [1] 0.1406161 0.9999696 lapply(c("lme4","mice"),library, character.only=TRUE) mouse <- read.table("/Users/jgill/Grant.TREC/CompiledMouseData.csv",header=TRUE) m <- 10 mouse.imp <- mice(mouse,m) mouse.array <- array(NA,c(dim(mouse),m)) for (i in 1:m) mouse.array[,,i] <- as.matrix(complete(mouse.imp,i)) lmer.out.mean <- <- NULL for (i in 1:m) { current.mouse.dat <- data.frame(mouse.array[,,i]) names(current.mouse.dat) <- names(mouse) M1 <- lmer (Number_Hyperproliferative ~ Age_when_used + Body_weight + UGS_weight + Prostate_Weight + Time_Parents_on_diet_before_birth + (1 | Diet_Treatment), family="poisson", data=current.mouse.dat) lmer.out.mean <- cbind(lmer.out.mean, summary(M1)$coef[,1]) <- cbind(, summary(M1)$coef[,2]) } mice.output(lmer.out.mean,,var.names=names(fixef(M1))) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 6.24279 5.93493 1.05187 0.15513 Age_when_used -0.10440 0.04853 -2.15109 0.02534 Body_weight 0.28757 0.11858 2.42509 0.01077 UGS_weight -2.61970 1.97876 -1.32391 0.09605 Prostate_Weight 48.52982 48.98844 0.99064 0.17132 Time_Parents_on_diet_before_birth -0.00283 0.01081 -0.26198 0.39709 AIC BIC logLik deviance 27.5 33.7 -6.73 13.5 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Diet_Treatment (Intercept) 1.7293e-18 1.315e-09 Number of obs: 18, groups: Diet_Treatment, 2 \end{VM} params <- c("mu", "mu35", "mu40", "alpha", "beta", "gamma") dugong.out <- jags(data = dugong, = params, model.file = "Class.Multilevel/dugong.linear.jags", n.iter = 100000, n.burnin = 50000, n.thin = 1) |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% |**************************************************| 100% dugong.out Inference for Bugs model at "Class.Multilevel/dugong.linear.jags", fit using jags, 3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 50000 discarded) n.sims = 150000 iterations saved mu.vect sd.vect 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Rhat n.eff alpha 2.654 0.109 2.493 2.585 2.640 2.705 2.895 1.006 3500 beta 0.988 0.117 0.786 0.916 0.982 1.051 1.218 1.001 7900 gamma 0.855 0.050 0.738 0.832 0.863 0.888 0.930 1.002 14000 mu[1] 1.810 0.074 1.659 1.763 1.811 1.858 1.949 1.001 42000 mu[2] 1.872 0.059 1.755 1.833 1.872 1.911 1.989 1.001 92000 mu[3] 1.872 0.059 1.755 1.833 1.872 1.911 1.989 1.001 92000 mu[4] 1.872 0.059 1.755 1.833 1.872 1.911 1.989 1.001 92000 mu[5] 1.982 0.046 1.894 1.952 1.981 2.012 2.075 1.001 110000 mu[6] 2.116 0.045 2.036 2.086 2.113 2.141 2.214 1.001 37000 mu[7] 2.188 0.046 2.108 2.158 2.184 2.214 2.291 1.001 31000 mu[8] 2.188 0.046 2.108 2.158 2.184 2.214 2.291 1.001 31000 mu[9] 2.302 0.044 2.222 2.272 2.299 2.329 2.397 1.001 31000 mu[10] 2.347 0.041 2.269 2.319 2.346 2.373 2.433 1.001 35000 mu[11] 2.367 0.040 2.290 2.340 2.366 2.393 2.448 1.001 38000 mu[12] 2.386 0.039 2.310 2.360 2.385 2.411 2.463 1.001 43000 mu[13] 2.403 0.037 2.329 2.378 2.403 2.427 2.476 1.001 50000 mu[14] 2.403 0.037 2.329 2.378 2.403 2.427 2.476 1.001 50000 mu[15] 2.419 0.036 2.347 2.395 2.419 2.443 2.489 1.001 61000 mu[16] 2.472 0.032 2.408 2.452 2.473 2.494 2.535 1.001 150000 mu[17] 2.472 0.032 2.408 2.452 2.473 2.494 2.535 1.001 150000 mu[18] 2.494 0.032 2.431 2.474 2.494 2.515 2.555 1.001 150000 mu[19] 2.494 0.032 2.431 2.474 2.494 2.515 2.555 1.001 150000 mu[20] 2.521 0.033 2.455 2.500 2.522 2.543 2.585 1.001 130000 mu[21] 2.537 0.035 2.466 2.514 2.537 2.559 2.603 1.001 58000 mu[22] 2.537 0.035 2.466 2.514 2.537 2.559 2.603 1.001 58000 mu[23] 2.550 0.037 2.474 2.526 2.551 2.574 2.621 1.001 36000 mu[24] 2.556 0.039 2.476 2.531 2.557 2.581 2.629 1.001 30000 mu[25] 2.602 0.056 2.489 2.565 2.602 2.639 2.710 1.001 12000 mu[26] 2.627 0.072 2.493 2.579 2.625 2.674 2.776 1.001 8500 mu[27] 2.633 0.077 2.493 2.581 2.629 2.681 2.796 1.001 7800 mu[28] 2.639 0.082 2.493 2.583 2.633 2.689 2.817 1.001 7000 mu[29] 2.644 0.088 2.493 2.584 2.636 2.696 2.840 1.001 6200 mu35 2.639 0.082 2.493 2.583 2.633 2.689 2.817 1.001 7000 mu40 2.644 0.088 2.493 2.584 2.636 2.696 2.840 1.001 6200 deviance -43.985 4.962 -51.334 -47.607 -44.728 -41.229 -32.168 1.001 18000 For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1). DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2) pD = 12.3 and DIC = -31.7 DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better). library(mcmcplots) caterplot(dugong.out, parms=c("mu", "mu35", "mu40")) dugong <- list(age = c(1.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 9.5, 10.0, 12.0, 12.0, 13.0, 13.0, 14.5, 15.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.0, 22.5, 29.0, 31.5, 35.0, 40.0), length = c(1.80, 1.85, 1.87, 1.77, 2.02, 2.27, 2.15, 2.26, 2.47, 2.19, 2.26, 2.40, 2.39, 2.41, 2.50, 2.32, 2.32, 2.43, 2.47, 2.56, 2.65, 2.47, 2.64, 2.56, 2.70, 2.72, 2.57, NA, NA), NUM.DUGONGS = 29) lapply(c("rjags","R2jags","arm","coda","superdiag","R2WinBUGS"),library, character.only=TRUE) dugongs.linear <- function() { for(i in 1:NUM.DUGONGS) { length[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau) mu[i] <- alpha - beta * pow(gamma,age[i]) } mu35 <- alpha-beta*pow(gamma,35) # 35 IS AGE OF MISSING 1 mu40 <- alpha-beta*pow(gamma,40) # 40 IS AGE OF MISSING 2 alpha ~ dunif(0, 10) beta ~ dunif(0, 10) tau ~ dgamma(1, 0.1) sigma <- 1/sqrt(tau) gamma ~ dunif(0.0, 1.0) miss35 ~ dnorm (mu35, tau) # PRIOR ON MISSING 1 miss40 ~ dnorm (mu40, tau) # PRIOR ON MISSING 2 } params <- c("mu", "mu35", "mu40", "alpha", "beta", "gamma") dugong.out <- jags(data = dugong, = params, model.file = "Class.Multilevel/dugong.linear.jags", n.iter = 100000, n.burnin = 50000, n.thin = 1) superdiag(dugong.out) dugong.out Inference for Bugs model at "Class.Multilevel/dugong.linear.jags", fit using jags, 3 chains, each with 1e+05 iterations (first 50000 discarded) n.sims = 150000 iterations saved mu.vect sd.vect 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Rhat n.eff alpha 2.654 0.109 2.493 2.585 2.640 2.705 2.895 1.006 3500 beta 0.988 0.117 0.786 0.916 0.982 1.051 1.218 1.001 7900 gamma 0.855 0.050 0.738 0.832 0.863 0.888 0.930 1.002 14000 mu[1] 1.810 0.074 1.659 1.763 1.811 1.858 1.949 1.001 42000 mu[2] 1.872 0.059 1.755 1.833 1.872 1.911 1.989 1.001 92000 :