/*********************************************************************************/ /* This is the Gill/Murray cholesky routine. Reference: */ /* */ /* Gill, Jeff and Gary King. ``What to do When Your Hessian is Not Invertible: */ /* Alternatives to Model Respecification in Nonlinear Estimation,'' Sociological */ /* Methods and Research, Vol. 32, No. 1 (2004): Pp. 54--87. */ /* */ /* Abstract */ /* */ /* What should a researcher do when statistical analysis software terminates */ /* before completion with a message that the Hessian is not invertable? The */ /* standard textbook advice is to respecify the model, but this is another way */ /* of saying that the researcher should change the question being asked. */ /* Obviously, however, computer programs should not be in the business of */ /* deciding what questions are worthy of study. Although noninvertable */ /* Hessians are sometimes signals of poorly posed questions, nonsensical */ /* models, or inappropriate estimators, they also frequently occur when */ /* information about the quantities of interest exists in the data, through */ /* the likelihood function. We explain the problem in some detail and lay out */ /* two preliminary proposals for ways of dealing with noninvertable Hessians */ /* without changing the question asked. */ /* */ /* Also available is the software to implement the procedure described in this */ /* paper in R format. */ /* */ /* This procedure produces: */ /* */ /* y = chol(A+E), where E is a diagonal matrix with each element as small */ /* as possible, and A and E are the same size. E diagonal values are */ /* constrained by iteravely updated Gerschgorin bounds. */ /* */ /* Robert B. Schnabel and Elizabeth Eskow. 1990. "A New Modified Cholesky */ /* Factorization," SIAM Journal of Scientific Statistical Computating, */ /* 11, 6: 1136-58. */ /*********************************************************************************/ proc sechol(A); local i,j,k,m,n,gamm,tau,delta,deltaprev,sum1,sum2,eigvals,dlist,dmax, P,Ptemp,Pprod,L,norm_A,normj,g,gmax; n = rows(A); m = cols(A); L = zeros(n,n); deltaprev=0; gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); tau = __macheps^(1/3); if minc(eig(A)') > 0; /* print("not pivoting"); */ tau = -1000000; endif; if m ne n; print("sechol: input matrix must be square"); retp(A); endif; norm_A = maxc(sumc(abs(A))); gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); delta = maxc(maxc(__macheps*norm_A~__macheps)); Pprod = eye(n); if n > 2; for k (1,(n-2),1); trap 1,1; if minc((diag(A[(k+1):n,(k+1):n])' - A[k,(k+1):n]^2/A[k,k])') < tau*gamm and minc(eig(A[(k+1):n,(k+1):n])) < 0; dmax = maxindc(diag(A[k:n,k:n])); if (A[(k+dmax-1),(k+dmax-1)] > A[k,k]); /* print("pivot using dmax:"); print(dmax); */ P = eye(n); Ptemp = P[k,.]; P[k,.] = P[(k+dmax-1),.]; P[(k+dmax-1),.] = Ptemp; A = P*A*P; L = P*L*P; Pprod = P*Pprod; endif; g = zeros(n-(k-1),1); for i ((k), (n), 1); if i == 1; sum1 = 0; else; sum1 = sumc(abs(A[i,k:(i-1)])'); endif; if i == n; sum2 = 0; else; sum2 = sumc(abs(A[(i+1):n,i])); endif; g[i-(k-1)] = A[i,i] - sum1 - sum2; endfor; gmax = maxindc(g); if gmax /= k; /* print("gerschgorin pivot on cycle:"); print(k); */ P = eye(n); Ptemp = P[k,.]; P[k,.] = P[(k+dmax-1),.]; P[(k+dmax-1),.] = Ptemp; A = P*A*P; L = P*L*P; Pprod = P*Pprod; endif; normj = sumc(abs(A[(k+1):n,k])); delta = maxc((0~deltaprev~-A[k,k]+(maxc(normj~tau*gamm))')'); if delta > 0; A[k,k] = A[k,k] + delta; deltaprev = delta; endif; endif; A[k,k] = sqrt(A[k,k]); L[k,k] = A[k,k]; for i ((k+1), (n), 1); if L[k,k] > __macheps; A[i,k] = A[i,k]/L[k,k]; endif; L[i,k] = A[i,k]; A[i,(k+1):i] = A[i,(k+1):i] - L[i,k]*L[(k+1):i,k]'; if A[i,i] < 0; A[i,i] = 0; endif; endfor; endfor; endif; A[(n-1),n] = A[n,(n-1)]; eigvals = eig(A[(n-1):n,(n-1):n]); dlist = ( (0|deltaprev|-minc(eigvals)+tau*maxc( (1/(1-tau))*(maxc(eigvals)-minc(eigvals))|gamm)) ); if dlist[1] > dlist[2]; delta = dlist[1]; else; delta = dlist[2]; endif; if delta < dlist[3]; delta = dlist[3]; endif; if delta > 0; A[(n-1),(n-1)] = A[(n-1),(n-1)] + delta; A[n,n] = A[n,n] + delta; deltaprev = delta; endif; A[(n-1),(n-1)] = sqrt(A[(n-1),(n-1)]); L[(n-1),(n-1)] = A[(n-1),(n-1)]; A[n,(n-1)] = A[n,(n-1)]/L[(n-1),(n-1)]; L[n,(n-1)] = A[n,(n-1)]; A[n,n] = sqrt(A[n,n] - L[n,(n-1)]^2); L[n,n] = A[n,n]; retp(Pprod'*L'*Pprod'); endp;