Distinguished Professor, Department of Government
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
Founding Director, Center for Data Science
Visiting Professor Harvard IQSS and Department of Government 2024-25

American University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016


I am a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Government and the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, a Visiting Professor Harvard IQSS and Department of Government 2024-25, and the founding Director of the Center for Data Science. My research applies Bayesian modeling and data analysis (decision theory, testing, model selection, elicited priors) to questions in general social science quantitative methodology, political behavior and institutions, medical/health data analysis especially physiology, circulation/blood, pediatric traumatic brain injury, and epidemiological measurement/data issues, using computationally intensive tools (Monte Carlo methods, MCMC, stochastic optimization, non-parametrics).



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